AS assortment

AS Surgery Icon
AS Osteo Icon
AS Asipco Icon
AS Micro Icon
AS Arthro Icon

AS Surgery

The AS product portfolio comprises a complete range of approximately 18,000 standard and specialist surgical instruments. Standard instruments are used across multiple disciplines and supplemented with specialist instruments depending on the type of surgery. Our range covers a large proportion of the instruments required in all surgical disciplines. The main AS surgery catalogue, which is also available as a PDF in our media library, is accordingly structured and user friendly.


AS Osteo

This specialist area includes the classic systems for osteosynthesis and the instruments required in relation to these as well as a broad range of AS specialities. The standard instruments such as raspatories, elevators, spoons, curettes, chisels, levers etc. required for these procedures can be found in the surgery catalogue.


AS asipco®

asipco® is an innovative sterilizing-container system developed by AS Medizintechnik with a focus on robust everyday suitability, safe, fast and intuitive handling and sustainability. A complete system, including practical, user-friendly components is available. Baskets, various fixing systems and consumables round off the portfolio.


AS Micro

Microsurgical instruments are used in many disciplines of modern surgery. Their designs must therefore be accordingly varied. Our specialisms include neurosurgery as well as hand, plastic, cardiac, cardio vascular and ENT surgery. Covering these areas requires a comprehensive range of special instruments, which can be found in the AS product portfolio – all characterised by high quality and available in various designs and materials.


AS Arthro

Arthroscopy is about minimally invasive examinations of joints (knee, shoulder, hip) using special endoscopes. We offer a broad and varied range of instruments for therapeutic surgery. The portfolio consists of three different instrument lines: WHITE-, BLACK- and SILVER-LINE. There are also several handheld instruments for various operations.


Quality Management
AS Finish Line

01 Assessment Line

AS is checking every single item on the following aspects:
• Technical drawing
• Shape and model accuracy
• Performance test

02 Assessment Line

AS is checking the steel components for every LOT:
• Hardness control of the Instrument
• Boil test to also control the corrosion resistance
• Double check with DIN EDN ISO 7153 (Material specifications)

03 Anti-Glare Line

AS is glass beating 90% of the incoming goods:
• Same finish of all AS instruments (non-shiny)
• Safety aspect for pores, scratches and cracks

04 Laser Line

All AS instruments are laser marked with our state-of-the-art pico-second laser systems which lead to corrosion free laser marking and a very high contrast and contour (necessary for DataMatrix direct marking).

05 Proof Line

Validated cleaning according to DIN EN ISO 13485:
• Pre-cleaning with two ultra-sonic cleaning devices and special cleaning solutions
• Validated cleaning with 4 independent cleaning & disinfection machines (total running time approx. 90 minutes)
• Additional disinfection with A0-3000 value (90° C, 5 minutes)

06 Pass Line

Passivation and corrosion protection:
• Citrus acid-based passivation solution creates a passive layer to all instruments made of steel.
• Additional corrosion protection through special developed solution

07 Quality Line

UDI GS1 DataMatrix verification
Random test of the UDI DataMatrix direct marking through a calibrated verifying camera system according to ISO/IEC 29158 and TR29158.

08 Pro Line

Final inspection and packaging
Final inspection, cutting performance test, function check and lubrication will be the last step before final packaging and labeling of the Instruments.

We as

As a global family business, we operate an authorised, regional distribution network in over 70 countries. This enables our partners to reach the specialist surgical departments in hospitals around the world and ensure that our products arrive punctually. Thanks to a well-trained, global team, we can provide a strong presence and excellent customer proximity while speaking your language.

Everything began with mutual trust. Today, we are a community, the AS family, characterised by our appreciation for each other, reliability and openness to a sense of solidarity – and we are successful. This success is based on the diverse range of different characters, opinions and talents, and truly enriches us. It’s simply nice to be part of it.


Picture of Tinnakorn & Pakorn Khunasit, Thailand

AS products not only match our intentions, they match customers' expectations.

Tinnakorn & Pakorn Khunasit, Thailand

Picture of Dieter Roth, INO, Swiss

We talk asipco.

Dieter Roth, Switzerland

Picture of Hirokazu Ueda, Japan

High performance containers with a perfect size range.

Hirokazu Ueda, Japan

Picture of Alfonso Castro, Colombia

For us, AS means quality, technology and precision.

Alfonso Castro, Colombia

Picture of Ann Watkin, New Zealand

By providing AS instruments we are supplying instrumentation worthy of our Surgeons expertise.

Ann Watkin, New Zealand

Picture of Joab Jenderiko Tarigan, Indonesia

Good quality and supply chain.

Joab Jenderiko Tarigan, Indonesia

AS equals

"Surgical instruments are in our DNA."

Doctors around the world operate efficiently with AS instruments. They trust us and are impressed with our products. The consistently high quality, precise model fidelity and carefully selected designs with a diverse range of options are repeatedly emphasised.

18,000 different models and solutions are available. This makes it possible to configure everything from individual instruments to professional surgical sets in line with customer wishes and requirements.

Modern documentation is provided in several languages and reflects the company’s expertise.

AS Instruments

AS Products

AS instruments are primarily manufactured in Tuttlingen, the global centre of medical technology, by selected production partners. The process of producing surgical instruments combines high-tech methods with traditional, manual workmanship. From the selection of corrosion-resistant stainless steels through the actual production and refining to finishing, adherence to strict quality standards is ensured at every stage.

Before the instruments leave our company, they undergo multiple inspections based on key criteria as well as to ensure they have a homogeneous, glare-free finish.

AS Scissors

AS Time goes by
We manufacture since 1998


Andreas Schilling founded AS Medizintechnik GmbH with the aim of offering a complete range of surgical instruments to the German market. At that time our product portfolio contained approximately 12,000 different surgical instruments, container systems and accessories.


The product portfolio has increased to approximately 16,000 different surgical instruments and AS Medizintechnik began promoting their products globally.


The international distributor network includes Partners in 50 different countries worldwide. The product portfolio expanded to approximately 18,000 items in order to be competitive on national and international markets.


By acquiring another building at Industriestrasse 26 in Tuttlingen-Nendingen, we were able to expand our warehouse area. Today, the asipco® Sterilizing-Containers are produced, assembled and stored in this building.


AS invest in three BELIMED cleaning- and disinfection machines to provide a validated final cleaning according to DIN EN ISO 13485:2012.


Presentation of the self-developed Sterilizing-Container System asipco®. In the same year, we were able to win the reddot design award with the asipco® Sterilizing-Container System.

Red Dot Design Award 2017

Launching of the GS1-UDI standard process for all AS products, from 01st January 2017 all our AS surgical instruments are GS1-UDI direct marked. In combination with our 3 BELIMED washing machines we are in the position to passivate AS products after laser marking.

GS1 Data Matrix


AS Medizintechnik becomes a member of the DIN (German Institute for Standardization e.V.)

DIN Mitglied


Expansion of the laser marking department with an additional ultrashort pulse laser to increase capacity.


Installation of an additional cleaning and disinfection machine from BELIMED.


25 years AS Medizintechnik: 1998 - 2023 AS Medizintechnik celebrates its 25th anniversary.

25th anniversary - AS Medizintechnik

AS Medizintechnik Class 1 and 1R products have been MDR (EU) 2017/745 approved since May 2023. Another milestone in our company history.

MDR certified
AS Imagevideo

Be Astonished
Watch Video

We have been doing revolutionary work for over 25 years and strive for a high level of quality in the market.

Andreas Schilling, Founder of AS Medizintechnik GmbH

See you

29.07. - 16.08.2024
Company vacation
11. - 14.11.2024


Düsseldorf, Germany

Booth: 10E38

27. - 30.01.2025


Dubai, UAE

Booth: S1.J10